Mosman Voices - oral histories online

Dr and Mrs Dwyer

Interviewed by Eve Klein on 30 November 2000
Subject: ,

Dr. Dwyer. I was born in Mosman in Simpson Street, near Whiting Beach Road. at the bottom end of the Zoo. My recall was, as a young boy – a young fellow just getting up and moving around, was going swimming at Sirius Cove – that was the outstanding swimming spots for the few locals that there went down from Bradleys Head Rd. down to the water at Sirius Cove. Otherwise, going along the tracks down near the water where the ferries were coming in, and also of course, nearby was the Zoo, which was a great place for young boys to get into mischief.

Eve Klein. When was the Zoo actually moved to Taronga…?

Dr. Dwyer. ….I only knew it was there.

Eve Klein. Did you go to the Zoo very much?

Dr. Dwyer. Oh yes, often, we used to climb over the fence, starting often right down at the bottom end near Sirius Cove – that side.

Mrs. Dwyer. The end of Major Street.

Dr. Dwyer. Yes, and we would climb over, or we’d have little catapults and we’d ping the bisons who were down there. We’d occasionally climb over there, and then we’d go round to the front of the Zoo – I always went on Sundays, because they had the brass bands. These kids – all boys in those days, would sit on the ground sucking lemons, which made it impossible for the poor men to stop. (laughter)